Exciting news for BOSS Copperad at BSS Magna Park!

We recently met with the amazing team at BSS Magna Park to unveil a product in heating solutions. (Details are still under wraps for now, but trust us, it’s exciting!) 

Here at BOSS Copperad, we’re constantly striving to push the boundaries of innovation and deliver the best possible heating experience. This upcoming product is a testament to that commitment.

While we can’t reveal all the details just yet, we can assure you it’s designed to make a significant impact on the way you approach heating solutions. Looking to leverage the efficiency of low-water temperature systems like heat pumps? Concerned about your environmental footprint? This new product has something to offer on both fronts!

Stay tuned for the official reveal of the new BOSS Copperad product – coming very soon! It’s poised to play a key role in the journey towards a more sustainable future of heating through decarbonisation and low water temperatures!